About Us

We know Tech.


PoshPocket is a small store run by tech-enthused specialists, We have a history in dealing with phones, phone accessories, and other handheld tech. Our goal, is to provide consumers with affordable, simple and above all else, Durable products to compliment the most important gadget they own, their connection to a wider world.


Each product is rigorously tested and reviewed, Nothing is sold without confidence in the reliability of the item, we plan to grow our brand based on trust and research, we believe we should prove ourselves as a vendor you'd return to, by providing you the products you want, while ensuring they are worth your time and money.

 We believe testing and quality control is the heart of our store, this is why we only offer products that have been tested and approved. If its not up to our standards, its not up to yours. We source all of our products with the intent to provide, and we do not settle for less. We're always on the lookout for up and coming tech or accessories to offer, if you have any feedback on our items, or would like us to look into sourcing products tailored towards you, feel free to reach us at info@PoshPocket.net.